Start with your Flaws

I am looking for

Flawed™ is the first dating app where you can find what you want by eliminating what you don’t.

Start with your flaws

We're currently in beta.
Be one of the first users.

We need a queer-focused dating space that provides that same level of free expression with a purpose of finding someone who matches us authentically and wholly.

Filter out attributes for true compatibility. Skip cumbersome conversations by eliminating mismatches.

Commitment to Community

Commitment to Community

Flawed™️ provides resources.

Offline, we host events to bring our community together for authentic face to face experiences to meet a potential match the old school way.

Online, we provide references to providers who can help you turn some of those flaws into strengths. If one of your flaws is snoring, Flawed can point you to a reputable sleep apnea trial. If you have a temper, Flawed will list resources for you to use.

events sub hero


events - kissing booth events - dancing
events - drinking events - pose
events - black magic events - thumbs up events - rainbow smile